Admission Requirement

RU Asia Campus receives applications from every country in the Asia and our student body reflects this diversity with a student population consisting of more than 48 nationalities. Future managers coming from RU Asia Campus are rich in diverse and international perspectives, experiences, backgrounds, and cultures.

The admission process is designed to identify high quality candidates by highlighting their academic, professional and personal experiences. Applications are not only evaluated based upon achievement but also upon motivation and goal orientation. Motivation Letters are the candidates opportunity to clearly demonstrate their goals, aspirations and/ or ambitions to the pre-admissions selection committee.

If after carefully reviewing our website and program pages, you still have questions or would like clarification, please contact us at [email protected]

Admission Process

Applicants to University must:

  • Complete an interview with an admissions representative.
  • Submit a completed application.
  • Submit transcripts from all previous colleges/universities attended. The University must receive official transcripts within eight weeks of a student’s start date.
  • Submit grade reports or scores from any recognized University equivalency examination
  • Exhibit Professional work experience
  • Submit certificates from any corporate education training programs or professional development. A student may be required to register if